8 Popular Bollywood Songs That Have Lyrics In Different Languages And What They Mean!

    8 Popular Bollywood Songs That Have Lyrics In Different Languages And What They Mean!

    There have been numerous Bollywood songs that have added an exotic touch to their songs by introducing lyrics in a foreign language or a language we cannot quite decipher. But, has it ever pricked to your curiosity as to how these foreign language lyrics add more meaning to the song or whether they make any sense at all?

    So if you are wondering the same right now then here's your answer. These are some Bollywood lyrics in a foreign language and what they mean. 

    After pulling out your tap dancing shoes to Senorita understand what you are really foot tapping to. 

    8 Popular Bollywood Songs That Have Lyrics In Different Languages And What They Mean!

    The entire segment in Tamil makes zero sense to Hindi speaking audiences but is any way wildly popular because Akon and all!

    8 Popular Bollywood Songs That Have Lyrics In Different Languages And What They Mean!

    The French lyrics in Befirkre are beautiful if you understand what they mean.

    8 Popular Bollywood Songs That Have Lyrics In Different Languages And What They Mean!

    A song that created sensation upon release, this is what the Arabic lyrics from the song mean.

    8 Popular Bollywood Songs That Have Lyrics In Different Languages And What They Mean!

    For those who haven't figured out yet the language in Musu Musu Hasi is Nepali and this is what it means.

    8 Popular Bollywood Songs That Have Lyrics In Different Languages And What They Mean!

    The song has a Spanish interlude and before you start belly dancing know what it means.

    8 Popular Bollywood Songs That Have Lyrics In Different Languages And What They Mean!

    Never understood the Tamil beginning of 1234 ?? Well here it is in English for you..

    8 Popular Bollywood Songs That Have Lyrics In Different Languages And What They Mean!

    Never knew that the song had a bit of Spanish in it?? It does! and here's what it means!

    8 Popular Bollywood Songs That Have Lyrics In Different Languages And What They Mean!