Magneto/Mystique romance in X-Men: Apocalypse

    Magneto/Mystique romance in X-Men: Apocalypse

    X-Men: Apocalypse, the upcoming movie of X-men series, will focus on the romantic relationship of Magneto and Mystique. "Fox will take full advantage of Jennifer Lawrence and Michael Fassbender's star power, placing Mystique and Magneto's romance front and center”, revealed a source close to the unit. Production for the same will begin in April, despite Lawrence's busy schedule up until that point.

    We know from previous films that Magneto and Mystique become lovers and essentially life partners while they fight for mutant rights, but their relationship has struggled to get off the ground in the first two X-Men prequels.  X-Men: Apocalypse production will start in April, 2015, for a May 27, 2016 release.