What If Your Favourite Bollywood Stars Were A Part Of Hollywood!

    What If Your Favourite Bollywood Stars Were A Part Of Hollywood!

    YASSSS! Finally, Bollywood meets Hollywood in the most fantastic way ever.

    We know we know, many of you are Bollywood fans who yearn to see how your favourite actors/actresses will fare in Hollywood. Despite Priyanka and Deepika joining the Hollywood bandwagon, we are yet to see our favourite stars in a typical Hollywood movie with full fledged roles. So we tried turning the collective imagination into reality and here is what turned out.

    These are our favourite Bollywood stars who could replace these actors in the iconic movies from Hollywood that we have loved. Check it out:

    Sonam Kapoor could totally play Anne Hathaway's character in Devil Wears Prada.

    What If Your Favourite Bollywood Stars Were A Part Of Hollywood!

    We'll just refrain from commenting here. :P 

    What If Your Favourite Bollywood Stars Were A Part Of Hollywood!

    A happily ever after love story. (fingers crossed on this one)

    What If Your Favourite Bollywood Stars Were A Part Of Hollywood!

    Ouch! You kinda saw that coming, no?

    What If Your Favourite Bollywood Stars Were A Part Of Hollywood!

    We had always bee rooting for these two!

    What If Your Favourite Bollywood Stars Were A Part Of Hollywood!

    Suits perfectly, doesn't it?

    What If Your Favourite Bollywood Stars Were A Part Of Hollywood!

    A pair we'd all like to see on screen, no?

    What If Your Favourite Bollywood Stars Were A Part Of Hollywood!

    These two totally deserve to be in a film like this!

    What If Your Favourite Bollywood Stars Were A Part Of Hollywood!