Why Robert Downey Jr. Is the Most Awesome Man on the Planet

    Why Robert Downey Jr. Is the Most Awesome Man on the Planet

    RDJ is the most awesome guy on this planet. Agree with us or we'll call Iron Man.

    He's awesome because his bromances are the BEST! #HeyJude

    Why Robert Downey Jr. Is the Most Awesome Man on the Planet

    Can you feel the love?

    Why Robert Downey Jr. Is the Most Awesome Man on the Planet

    His sense of humour is unparalleled. 

    Why Robert Downey Jr. Is the Most Awesome Man on the Planet


    Why Robert Downey Jr. Is the Most Awesome Man on the Planet

    Source: tumblr.com

    He's the King of #TBTs 

    And has the bragging rights to one of the best 'first tweets' ever!

    He's a wise guy.

    He makes your ovaries go Boom Boom Pow! (Yes, this applies to gentleman as well) 

    Why Robert Downey Jr. Is the Most Awesome Man on the Planet

    Source: imgur.com

    He's Iron Man, the coolest and most sassiest superhero ever. 

    Why Robert Downey Jr. Is the Most Awesome Man on the Planet

    He's so awesome, we couldn't help but put another GIF!

    Why Robert Downey Jr. Is the Most Awesome Man on the Planet

    No, seriously. He is a superhero in real life as well. Just ask this little boy who now has his very own bionic arm thanks to him.

    You teared up, didn't you?

    Why Robert Downey Jr. Is the Most Awesome Man on the Planet

    Stay cool, RDJ!

    Why Robert Downey Jr. Is the Most Awesome Man on the Planet

    Source: tumblr.com