Victoria Beckham is a happy person from inside

    Victoria Beckham is a happy person from inside

    Former Spice Girls Victoria Beckham has revealed that the pout and grumpy look she gives on the red carpet is not her real self and she is actually a very happy person from inside. The singer-turned fashion designer, who is happily married to footballer David Beckham, said she has deliberately created this sour-faced persona and aware of peoples thinking about it, the Daily Mail reported. "Yes, I created this persona and I'm very different from that. I don't feel like I have to scream and shout about it - I know I am a happy person. So I don't get upset when people comment on the fact that I look quite miserable all the time," Victoria said. "But people think I am. And you know, sometimes I think the same thing when I look at the pictures," she added. Talking about her singing talent, she said, "Was music my talent really? No, I don't think I was particularly talented. With the other girls, the five of us all really worked together. But talented? I sound a bit odd to myself."