'Sasural Simar Ka' Rips Off 'Game Of Thrones', Will Make You Laugh And Cry At The Same Time!

    'Sasural Simar Ka' Rips Off 'Game Of Thrones', Will Make You Laugh And Cry At The Same Time!

    If Cinema copies, can TV be far behind?

    Bollywood has since long been blamed for copying the west. From plotlines to songs to even expressions, they have been blamed for ripping off the classics of Hollywood. And guess what, what is seen, can not be unseen.

    So after horribly copying the appearance of Khal Drogo in Chakravartin Samrat Ashok as Prince Dastan, now one of the most talked about serials of Television, 'Sasural Simar Ka' has copied 'Game Of Thrones', the extremely popular international TV Series. 

    GoT came up with the famous 'Hall of Faces' tease which gave goosebumps to the die-hard fans all over the world. This is the original one:

    Pretty chilling, right? But this wasn't just meant to be. True joy is often short lived, they say. And so was the excitement of Indian fans of Game Of Thrones, when Sasural Simar Ka decided to make 'Desi Sinhasan Ka Khel' and turn the Lannisters and Dothrakis into Bhardwaajs and what not. No seriously, this is exactly what happened. Watch it with your own eyes here:

    Are they done bleeding yet? 

    Just so you know, this is the original version of Game Of Thrones ' Hall Of Faces' Tease.

    Our eyes can rest in peace now.