10 Quotes By Tyrion Lannister That Prove "Game of Thrones" Is Nothing Without Him!

    10 Quotes By Tyrion Lannister That Prove "Game of Thrones" Is Nothing Without Him!

    "Far too much has been written about great men, and not nearly enough about morons."

    10 Quotes By Tyrion Lannister That Prove "Game of Thrones" Is Nothing Without Him!

    Source: Giphy

    "Death is so final, yet life is full of possibilities."

    "A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone."

    "It’s hard to put a leash on a dog once you’ve put a crown on its head."

    10 Quotes By Tyrion Lannister That Prove "Game of Thrones" Is Nothing Without Him!

    Source: giphy

    "In my experience eloquent men are right every bit as often as imbeciles."

    "It’s easy to confuse ‘what is’ with ‘what ought to be,’ especially when ‘what is’ has worked out in your favor."

    "When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say."

    10 Quotes By Tyrion Lannister That Prove "Game of Thrones" Is Nothing Without Him!

    Source: Giphy

    "The powerful have always preyed on the powerless, that's how they became powerful in the first place."

    "I don't believe that giants and ghouls and white walkers are lurking beyond the Wall. I believe that the only difference between us and the wildlings is that when that Wall went up, our ancestors happened to live on the right side of it."

    10 Quotes By Tyrion Lannister That Prove "Game of Thrones" Is Nothing Without Him!

    Source: Giphy

    "Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you."