15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    Christopher Nolan's films are not exactly known for the performances. The concept, the originality, the visuals and the action are the stars. Simply put, the director (and his filmmaking prowess) is the star.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    But let's not discount some truly great acting work witnessed in his movies. Here's a list of some of the best.

    15. David Bowie (The Prestige)

    Just because it's one of those rare moments where we saw David Bowie in a Christopher Nolan picture.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    14. Tom Hardy (Inception)

    When you have a miniscule role, which becomes your breakthrough, you are doing something right. Before playing Bane, Hardy was the funny guy delivering cool one-liners like: "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling"

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    13. Carrie-Anne Moss (Memento)

    Christopher Nolan loves femme fatales. Carrie-Ann Moss coming off the heels of The Matrix, was his first damsel of distress.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    12. Jeremy Theobald (Following)

    Jeremy Theobald's perceptive performance in Nolan's debut feature film could be the most overlooked one on this list.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    11. Hilary Swank (Insomnia)

    Hilary Swank has won 2 Oscars and is considered one of the best actresses of a her generation. Thismay pale in comparison to her stronger efforts, but this is a strong effort nonetheless.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    10. Robin Williams (Insomnia)

    As far as casting choice is concerned, this is one of Nolan’s bolder moves. A comedian playing a villain can only lead to interesting results.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    9. Marion Cotillard (Inception)

    She was the heart of Inception. A cold heart, sure, but Nolan was primarily interested in giving us a truly original femme fatale. The one in your dreams (or nightmares).

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    8. Michael Caine (Every Nolan film)

    Any list of any kind which has anything to do with Christopher Nolan, deserves a mention of this man. Whenever he comes on screen you feel safe. A visual presence that is a gift to cinema.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    7. Anne Hathaway (The Dark Knight Rises)

    Probably the best thing about The Dark Knight Rises. While Marion Cotillard turned out to be the femme fatale in the film, it was this Cat that landed on her two feet.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    6. Al Pacino (Insomnia)

    There is a story which goes that Christopher Nolan went to Al Pacino’s trailer to discuss a scene. Pacino was on the phone and said “I’m going to call you back, my director is here”. Nolan says that was the first time he felt he was a moviemaker. Al Pacino had just called him a director.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    5. Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight)

    It takes a great actor to convince us that he really doesn’t know who Batman is for three films. He is what Sirius Black is to Harry when he has Dumbledore already. Oh hey!

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    4. Christian Bale (Batman Begins/ The Prestige)

    Batman Begins is clearly his best turn as the Batman. His layered performance in The Prestige was also something to behold.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    3. Guy Pearce (Memento)

    Why this guy has not become a movie star or an actor of prominence is beyond me. The originality of Memento could not have been given a better vehicle to drive it home.

    Fun fact: He has starred in two back-to-back Best Picture Oscar winners – The Hurt Locker and The King’s Speech.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    2. Leonardo DiCaprio (Inception)

    Leonardo DiCaprio is a movie star and an actor of prominence. And for good reason. For an actor, who has played the tortured man with a dead wife so many times and adding a new dimension to it each time is noteworthy.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films

    1. Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight)

    If you thought this wasn’t going to top this list, get yourself some medical help. This is not just the best performance in a Nolan film but one of the best performances in cinema. It’s surprising that each time you watch this film, he makes you feel the same sense of dread and villainy. Each and every single time. Heath Ledger lives through this performance.

    15 Best Performances in Christopher Nolan Films