6 Bollywood Celebrities Whose Parents Are More Active Than Them On Social Media

    6 Bollywood Celebrities Whose Parents Are More Active Than Them On Social Media

    Teaching social media basics to your parents is more like taking them back to school and keeping up with the basics. As we all juggle with full circle of life in the digital age, let's see which celebrity parent is social media savvy! 

    Ajay Titoo Sharma

    Anushka Sharma’s father is a cutie pie on social media. He’s one of those quintessential dads who love their daughters and he makes sure he promotes everything on the internet which speaks well of her daughter.

    Mr. Sharma shares all her promos, posters, changes his cover images according to Anushka’s latest films, reads all her interviews, and sometimes he updates their daily routines which are absolutely adorable.

    Anushka’s social media is more professionally handled by her and her PR team.

    Neetu Singh And Rishi Kapoor

    While Neetu Singh is the queen of Instagram, Rishi Kapoor is Twitter’s gabbar! Neetu Singh keeps it complimentary and lovey dovey on social media, and she follows all the youngsters of B-Town. Her favourite muse is her grand-daughter Samara and you’ll find a lot of posts with her pictures. Rishi Kapoor aka Chintskap on Twitter is hyperactive on Twitter. He trolls, jokes, vents out anger, puts forward his opinion and enjoys social media like we all do.

    Ranbir however is absent from social media. They do say he has ghost insta account.

    6 Bollywood Celebrities Whose Parents Are More Active Than Them On Social Media

    source Twitter

    Ayesha Shroff

    Tiger Shroff’s oh so proud mom is a pro at retweeting and liking all the good stuff that gets published about her talented son. Her tweets show the sheer joy she experiences in reading good stuff about her son.

    6 Bollywood Celebrities Whose Parents Are More Active Than Them On Social Media

    Amitabh Bachchan

    Big B is the best parent and the most advanced parent in entire Bollywood when it comes to using social media. He keeps collages, photos and compliments super handy to wish people, not forgetting any major event. He chats with his fans, and does some really interesting FB Lives and acts as naturally as our own parents do when they first lay their hands on social media. Big B’s tweets are the youngest! AB Junior however is more guarded and less active than his father on social media.

    6 Bollywood Celebrities Whose Parents Are More Active Than Them On Social Media

    source ndtv

    Mahesh Bhatt

    Bhatt Sahab is a pro at tweeting and making sense on social media. His is the first comment or take that arrives right after any big event or controversy. He never keeps away from expressing himself and utilizing the power of social media. Alia Bhatt however, is not that active, of course due to her busy schedules, but the girl does manage to do some fun chats with fans.

    Rahul Sanon

    Kriti Sanon’s father is the favourite person when it comes to her fan clubs. He makes sure he shares every fun and amazing content produced on the internet about her daughters. He’s just like any impatient dad who wants to be the first to like, share, love and say good things about his children.