14 Films Which Prove That Bollywood Can't Deal With Reincarnation!

    14 Films Which Prove That Bollywood Can't Deal With Reincarnation!

    How many Bollywood films have you seen that remind of you very strongly of a popular film that you have already seen? Well if you have experienced this ever, then you know how strongly Bollywood believes in the concept of reincarnation. Well reincarnation and after life stories have been very hit Bollywood concept and over the years it has been used in the industry to the point of irritation. Apart from being over used there is nothing new that the concept has to offer and we are sick of seeing unfulfilled love stories and revenge dramas haunting characters in their afterlife!  Whether or not you believe in the ‘together for seven after lives’ sagas or karma, these Bollywood films based on reincarnation will definitely make you skin crawl!