Dress Like Your Favourite Movie Star And Get 5 Sultan Tickets Free!

    Dress Like Your Favourite Movie Star And Get 5 Sultan Tickets Free!

    It is no new thing that Bollywood is the source of fashion inspiration for most in and out of the nation! We grow up seeing beautiful actresses and handsome actors wearing the most perfect and gorgeous clothes.

    Bollywood is now full of such style icons who rule our heart! Be it fashionista Sonam or the uber cool Deepika, or quirky Ranveer Singh or easy going Ranbir Kapoor!

     All we can do is start instantly dreaming about those same clothes to flaunt that these stars have donned in the films. But alas, either they are never available or they are so pricey that they will burn a hole in our pockets!

    But now you have the perfect place to get all the clothes that your favorite stars have worn in movies! And that too in the most affordable price imaginable. And guess what, that’s not all. You will also get five free movie tickets of the biggest release this year- our very own Bhaijaan’s Sultan. Yes you have read it right.

    You'll just have to use the code FREE5 when you shop from bollywoo.ooo!

    Dress Like Your Favourite Movie Star And Get 5 Sultan Tickets Free!

    Still don’t believe us. Then just check the site bollywoo.ooo and you’ll know what we are talking about!