Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    Our rich and swagger filled Iron Man aka Robert Downey Jr. is celebrating his birthday today. Here's how we think he will celebrate his birthday!

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    1. Wearing a nice white suit and awkward tinted glasses.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    2. And the Iron Man speaks.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    3. No way!

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    4. It's never too early to start the soda-bash.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    5. Oh dang! He is high now. So high!

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    6. Is it a rum cake? Let's do this.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    7. Disco 82

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    8. Now that we have the disco ball, let's dance.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    9. Oh we have a party crasher? Wait!

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    10. Somebody is crazy high.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    11. Now we are talking.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    12. Praise the lord! He did not invite the Avengers?

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    13. And some more booze. It's a superhero's birthday party aye.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    14. The party is getting crazy now.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    Source: giphy.com

    15. Don't know if he's getting carried away or really emotional.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    16. Sorry but it's time to save the earth. He's checking out.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday

    17. But next day is always a hangover day.

    Looks Robert Downey Jr. Would Give on His Birthday