6 Best Towel Dances In Bollywood!

    6 Best Towel Dances In Bollywood!

    6 Best Towel Dances In Bollywood!

    We'd support you if you say that Bollywood uses the most underrated things in the most uncanny way possible. They don't just use them but also give us the heads up to use them!
    You don't believe us? Well, then who would have thought that a towel could be a great prop to dance with.
    You'd agree after you see this!
    1. You have at least done this once in your life, admit it!
    2. The towel in Jabse Tere Naina saved Ranbir Kapoor from the censor board attack!
    3. Wingman towel!
    4. Parineeti's towel dance!
    5. All Izz Well!
    6. Piya Piya O Piya Piya!
    Check it out!