These Are Some Of Our Predictions After Watching The Game Of Thrones Season 8 Teaser

    These Are Some Of Our Predictions After Watching The Game Of Thrones Season 8 Teaser

    After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, HBO has finally released the teaser of the 8th and the penultimate season of Game of Thrones. Although the 39 seconds long teaser is hardly enough to fill the GOT shaped hole in our lives, but it is not entirely insignificant either.

    If you are a fan of GOT then you would know that every visual in the show serves a purpose and tell us a little about the upcoming events and 39 seconds teaser in no less. Here are a few easter eggs that we were able to spot in the teaser and here are our predictions on what they mean.

    Night King Attacking Winterfell

    These Are Some Of Our Predictions After Watching The Game Of Thrones Season 8 Teaser

    As the teaser opens we see a mist rolling exactly in the way it happens when Night King comes. The mist is slowly seen engulfing a direwolf which is a clear indication that we are going to see Night King attacking Winterfell. This makes total sense as the two people who are most closely related to the Night King, Brandon Stark, and Jon Snow are in the Winterfell. Given the mist engulfs the direwolf completely, it is probably an indication that Starks are going to lose the battle against Night King. At least, Sansa and Bran will probably succumb to the attack but since Jon Snow is not a true-born Stark, he might stay alive and continue the fight.

    Daenyrys Will Defeat Cersei

    These Are Some Of Our Predictions After Watching The Game Of Thrones Season 8 Teaser

    The teaser also shows the sigil of House Lannister going up in flames which again, might be a clear indication of the House of Lannister finally coming to an end. With Daenerys already marching towards Cersei, it can only mean that the Dragon will finally defeat the Lion. Honestly, this is one of the most predictable parts of the story.

    Another Dragon Would Be Sacrificed To The Army Of The Dead

    These Are Some Of Our Predictions After Watching The Game Of Thrones Season 8 Teaser

    The mist which is definitely a symbol for Night is shown freezing a dragon as well. Now Viserion has already become a part of the Army Of The Dead, so this can mean one of the two things. Either another dragon will fall prey to the Night King or The Dragons, as in the Targaryens will lose the battle against him, which means Jon and Daenerys might be killed by the Night King.

    Queen Of Ashes

    These Are Some Of Our Predictions After Watching The Game Of Thrones Season 8 Teaser

    From the teaser, it is clear that Ice and Fire, as we all expected, is going to have an epic clash in the last season. It will surely be one epic battle, but the bittersweet ending that George R.R. Martin talked about might be what many fans anticipated. After the epic clash, Westeros will probably not be the same ever again and no matter which queen wins, she will ultimately be the Queen of Ashes which means she will have nothing left to rule over.