Have You Seen Imtiaz Ali’s Picture With Tyrion Lannister? Oh Wait...!!!

    Have You Seen Imtiaz Ali’s Picture With Tyrion Lannister? Oh Wait...!!!

    Ever since we have spotted this picture of Imtiaz Ali with Peter Dinklage or Tyrion Lannister as we know him, we could not be more excited. But how did he meet him? Where did he meet him? Can we hope for a possible collaboration with them?

    Have You Seen Imtiaz Ali’s Picture With Tyrion Lannister?...Oh Wait!

    Have You Seen Imtiaz Ali’s Picture With Tyrion Lannister?...Oh Wait!

    Have You Seen Imtiaz Ali’s Picture With Tyrion Lannister?...Oh Wait!

    Imitiaz’s crew spotted him when he was auditioning for a role of a clown in a children’s event. Well, we definitely can’t blame Imitiaz for getting super excited and taking a picture with Tariq! The similarities between him and Peter Dinklage is eerie and even after looking at it for the millionth time we are struggling to believe our eyes.

    Have You Seen Imtiaz Ali’s Picture With Tyrion Lannister?...Oh Wait!

    The only thing that comes across as an irony is the fact that with the same face one is probably living a life of hardships whose profession seems to be playing a clown in birthday parties and kids events whereas Peter Dinklage is probably one of the most respected actors with popularity and a luxurious life. But then again, Dinklage’s talent is what has brought him all the accolades and not his face!