Netflix's 13 Reasons Why writer defends graphic depiction of suicide on the show

    Netflix's 13 Reasons Why writer defends graphic depiction of suicide on the show

    Nic Sheff, the writer of 13 Reasons Why has defended the Netflix show after it received criticism from mental health organisations around the world for its graphic depiction of suicide.

    In a guest column for Vanity Fair, Sheff has attempted to clear the air surrounding the detailed presentation of the web series character, Hannah’s suicide citing his own example.

    Netflix's 13 Reasons Why writer defends graphic depiction of suicide on the show

    “(W)hen it came time to discuss the portrayal of the protagonist’s suicide in 13 Reasons Why, I of course immediately flashed on my own experience. It seemed to me the perfect opportunity to show what an actual suicide really looks like.

    “It overwhelmingly seems to me that the most irresponsible thing we could’ve done would have been not to show the death at all...” he wrote.

    Sheff adds the fact “we’re even having these discussions speaks of real progress to me.”

    The Netflix web series has been produced by singer Selena Gomez.