Zelda Williams Wrote 12 Scripts While Coping Up With Father Robin Williams’ Death

    Zelda Williams Wrote 12 Scripts While Coping Up With Father Robin Williams’ Death

    Zelda Williams, daughter of legendary actor Robin Williams, is moving on with her life after her father’s suicide. The Flubber actor ended his life in August of 2014. Instead of being devastated on father’s death, Zelda did some really productive work.

    The Noobz actress recently appeared in a talk show. During the show she revealed that she wrote 12 scripts while coping up with her dad’s death. She said, “I ended up writing 12 scripts, but then you’re like, ‘Is there something wrong with me?’ And also, I didn’t see daylight for a while. So, now I’m doing a lot more of that. I’ve been working really hard”.

    Zelda also openly talked about her bisexuality openly during the episode. She said that it’s everyone’s choice how open they want to be or not and added that she talks about it because she feels  there are a lot of people who don’t hear anyone saying it enough. She also shared that she lends her voice to the LGBT community.

    Zelda Williams Wrote 12 Scripts While Coping Up With Father Robin Williams’ Death

    Source: qltyctrl.com