5 Bollywood Moments That Best Explain Your Monday Blues!

    5 Bollywood Moments That Best Explain Your Monday Blues!

    Bollywood has a scene to express every emotion we feel, even to express the dread we feel at the end of every weekend. When Mondays come along and we are not yet over the weekend hangover it’s a terrible feeling. Here are 5 Bollywood in which we found an expression of Mondays! 

    That moment on a Sunday evening hangout when you realize you must go home and sleep because you have to wake up early on a MONDAY morning!

    5 Bollywood Moments That Best Explain Your Monday Blues!

    When you want to run away as fast and as far when you see the monday coming!

    5 Bollywood Moments That Best Explain Your Monday Blues!

    When you carefully plan and approch the weekend but as soon as you are there and just high on that weekend moment and it flies away! What hits you in the face is a Monday!

    5 Bollywood Moments That Best Explain Your Monday Blues!

    Chasing the passing weekend when you not done yet but monday happens!

    5 Bollywood Moments That Best Explain Your Monday Blues!

    Trying to break free of the weeks errands and responsibilities like this!

    5 Bollywood Moments That Best Explain Your Monday Blues!

    But worry not folks.. Another weekend there shall be!