8 Things We Do Not See Bollywood Films Anymore!

    8 Things We Do Not See Bollywood Films Anymore!

    There are innumerable things that are unique that set apart Bollywood in the world of cinema. The values and sentiments imparted by Bollywood films is unique wisdom that we Indians love so much! Right from the song and dance sequences to the blown out of proportion fight scenes there is so much in Bollywood you won’t find anywhere else! But there are a few things that were an integeral part of our film culture in yester years but have surely vanished from Bollywood today.

    Here are things that we no longer see in Bollywood –

    The giant properties in the songs - the staged dance sequences had so many large and colorful properties which could easily gulp in the actors dancing around them! But no more do we see these colorful giants in the songs today until we are going retro again! 

    8 Things We Do Not See Bollywood Films Anymore!

    The slow motion running - The actors covering a 10 yards distance towards their lovers in 10 minutes is also gone from Bollywood for good! 

    8 Things We Do Not See Bollywood Films Anymore!

    Hilarious costumes and dens of bollywood villains - If there is any sort of over the top dressing that must be allowed in films should be reserved for wedding! The less understood, overly dressed villains are gone anlong with their unique dens, thrones and torture equipment!

    8 Things We Do Not See Bollywood Films Anymore!

    Temple Run - The 101 distress call to God at the stranded temples, on a late windy night have also faded out! 

    8 Things We Do Not See Bollywood Films Anymore!

    Suhag Raats - The bedroom which is no less decorated than the mandap itself with a white bed sheet, rose petals and a waiting bride sitting in the centre of it is no longer the post wedding Bollywood senario!

    8 Things We Do Not See Bollywood Films Anymore!

    Blossoming of flowers / meeting of two flowers - The analogy that simply meant sex in our movies has gone missing! Bollywood has finally grown up!

    8 Things We Do Not See Bollywood Films Anymore!

    Heros dying on mother's lap - The bollywood hero always found his way in his mother's lap if he had to die at the end of a fight scene, usually the climax! Then there were a few apologies, life regrets that were their last words with heavy breathing! This is definitely a phase that is over in Bollywood.

    8 Things We Do Not See Bollywood Films Anymore!

    Running around the trees -  Trees have had a very significant role in Bollywood romances! Perhaps far more than the hero himself as the actresses passed enitre song sequences trying to hide their shy faces behind them!

    8 Things We Do Not See Bollywood Films Anymore!

    We really miss all the them! Or not!