Prabhudeva shares experiences of meeting Steven Spielberg

    Prabhudeva shares experiences of meeting Steven Spielberg

    It was a lifetime experience for Prabhudeva when he attended the interactive session between Steven Spielberg and Amitabh Bachchan and it seemed to be surreal to him. It was like watching a movie in the star-studded grand evening in Mumbai. Prabhudeva, who is presently single in his love life, shared some of the tips which Spielberg gave to director Kunal Kohli, "In the q and a session, director Kunal Kohli asked Spielberg why he didn't make movies on love and he replied, 'I am living a love story with my wife and family. Sometimes if you don't have something in your life you try and fill that void with films’.”

    The 39-year-old choreographer-actor shared more on the discussion session while talking to a leading daily, "They asked Spielberg why he didn't directStar Warsand his response was, 'George Lucas is ideal because he takes you to the outside world and the universe whereas I bring the outside world (like the aliens in E.T) to your home," says the director.

    Prabhudeva shares experiences of meeting Steven Spielberg

    "I was also fascinated by this story he told us about his father. It seems his dad showed him the stars in the sky and said, 'How can something so beautiful in nature come down and destroy us? There is only good up there — the only bad things are down here’.”

    Spielberg has been a Godfather figure to Prabhudeva since his childhood days. Hence an ecstatic Prabhudeva, who stepped into directing Hindi films withRowdy Rathore, carried on, "As a director, there's one thing he said I could completely relate to - someone asked him how he manages the hardship one has to face while making films. Spielberg replied that it's the audience's claps and appreciation on watching his films which gives him a high and keeps him going despite the hardships."