Lego Movie will feature more female characters

    Lego Movie will feature more female characters

    The Lego Movie 2 will feature more female role models to inspire young women and target a broader audience, says its creators. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller wrote and directed the first Lego Movie, which grossed more than $468 million worldwide. They have reunited for the sequel, set to release in 2018.

    In August, the company that created Lego toys has recently launched a new set of three female scientist action figures, including an astronomer, a paleontologist and a chemist. "I don't want to give spoilers but there will be more female characters and more female stuff," said Miller. According to sources, Lord and Miller, creators of the "Lego Movie" and "22 Jump Street" both dubbed as two of the highest-grossing films in the 2014 U.S. box office.