Flashback: when Pattinson and Kravitz spilled intense The Batman fitness regimes!

    Dive deep into Robert Pattinson's nostalgic, intense fitness journey for 'The Batman', where even pizza was off the table. Zoë Kravitz joins him to spill the beans on their grueling transformations!

    <p>Robert Pattinson</p>

    Robert Pattinson

    Remember the days when the buzz about Robert Pattinson donning the iconic Batman suit filled the headlines? Today, we journey back to those intense days, reflecting on the sacrifices and determination it took for Pattinson to become the caped crusader of Gotham.

    The Road to Gotham: Sacrifices & Determination

    It's no easy task to fit into the role of one of the most iconic superheroes in cinema history. Robert Pattinson, transitioning from the glittering vampire role in Twilight to Gotham's Dark Knight, shared some revealing details about his strict regimen. "I never want to see a piece of white, boiled fish with just lemon on it," the actor lamented about his restrictive diet, hinting at the levels of discipline it took.

    And yes, the staple comfort food, pizza? Off the charts! Pattinson wittily added how the love for pizza took a backseat during the shoot. His fitness journey wasn't just about dieting. The actor confessed about the initial challenges he faced while training, "Training’s a lot more fun when you kind of get good at it...Then you feel bad if you’re not doing it." But, as the old saying goes, "No pain, no gain." And gain he did, with a physique that left fans in awe.

    The Batman

    Zoë Kravitz's Fierce Fitness Feat

    While Pattinson's transformation was the talk of the town, Zoë Kravitz, who played the seductive and fierce Catwoman, had her fair share of rigorous preparation. The Big Little Lies star voiced the intensity of her training, "Three months of training beforehand and then you have to keep it up, so you literally just film and train."

    Both Pattinson and Kravitz exemplified the dedication actors often need to bring iconic characters to life. And as we look back, it's undeniable that their hard work paid off, etching their roles in cinematic history.

    Looking back, the journey of these actors serves as a testament to the lengths stars go to keep us entertained. And while we're immersed in the world of 2023, it's always worth a nod to the past to appreciate the efforts made.

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