Remember when Hollywood’s golden couple Brangelina called it quits in 2016?

    In a nostalgic dive into 2016, we revisit the startling split of Hollywood's golden couple, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, and the aftermath that left fans stunned.

    Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (Source: The Australian)

    Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (Source: The Australian)

    Brangelina: The Breakup Heard Round the World

    Ah, 2016. When the world wasn't just reeling from global happenings, but also Hollywood's own version of an earthquake - the dissolution of Brangelina. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, once the golden emblem of perfect love, found their story taking a twist no one saw coming.

    From On-screen Heat to Off-screen Heartache

    These two, who sizzled in the hit action-comedy "Mr and Mrs Smith", seemed almost destined. Their chemistry was palpable, not just in their debut film together, which raked in a whopping $478m worldwide, but also in real life. But as fate would have it, their 2015 cinematic venture, "By the Sea", a tale of marital despair penned by Jolie herself, would eerily precede their real-life split. Although the movie wasn’t a box office darling, its underlying theme had everyone wondering. Yet, Jolie was clear, stressing, “Brad and I have our issues, but if the characters were even remotely close to our problems we couldn’t have made the film.”

    Mr. and Mrs Smith (Source: Filmarena)

    While the world speculated on the reasons for their separation, both stars remained dignified. Angelina cited the need for a decision "for the health of the family" and Brad emphasized the "wellbeing of our kids" as paramount.

    Past Shadows & Future Lights

    History is peppered with moments of doubt surrounding their relationship. Angelina, always a beacon of strength, firmly shot down whispers of being a homewrecker during Brad's marriage to Jennifer Aniston. With conviction, she declared, “I could not look at myself in the morning if I did that.”

    Rumors of their split had buzzed as early as 2010, but it wasn't until 2016 that the whispers became an echoing reality.

    Post their heartrending separation, both moved on with their careers. Pitt delved into the world of wartime thrills with "Allied," while Jolie embraced her passion for telling poignant stories with the Netflix documentary "First They Killed My Father."

    Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (Source: IB Times India)

    Today, as we stroll down the alleys of Tinseltown's past, we're reminded of the transient nature of love in Hollywood. But through it all, one thing remains certain: The legacy of Brangelina will forever be etched in the annals of celebrity history.

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