When Deborra-Lee Furness slammed rumours about Hugh Jackman’s sexuality

    Deborra-Lee Furness addressed and dismissed longstanding rumours about then-husband Hugh Jackman's sexuality, calling them boring and baseless.

    <p>Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness (Source: Yahoo)</p>

    Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness (Source: Yahoo)

    In the world of Hollywood, where rumours and gossip are as common as the stars on the Walk of Fame, Deborra-Lee Furness took a firm stand against the perennial speculations about her then-husband, Hugh Jackman’s, sexuality. During her appearance on the Not an Overnight Success podcast, Furness tackled these rumours head-on, labelling them as nothing more than boring fabrications. Furness, in her interview with host Gus Worland, applied logic to the rumours, saying, "If he was gay, he could be gay. He didn't have to hide in the closet anymore. And he'd be dating Brad Pitt or whatever." Her candidness and humour in addressing such rumours underscore her frustration with the perpetual nature of Hollywood gossip. She criticized the media's role in perpetuating these baseless stories, pointing out the negative impact of such rumours on individuals and their families.

    Celebrating love and dismissing fiction

    The conversation also highlighted the couple's celebration of their 26th wedding anniversary. Jackman’s heartfelt Instagram post about the occasion reflected the couple's strong bond, "Every single day is filled with so much laughter, joy and backgammon!!!! Deb, you light up my life. I love you with all my heart!" This display of affection and commitment stood in stark contrast to the rumours that Furness found so tedious.

    Reflecting on their relationship, Furness recalled their meeting over two decades ago, describing their connection as incredible. Despite initially trying to resist the cliché of falling for her leading man, Furness recounted how Jackman took the initiative in their relationship, culminating in a proposal just four months into dating. “It was just the first time ever I'd known what it was like to be in love," she said, affirming the depth and authenticity of their relationship.

    A lesson in love and truth

    Deborra-Lee Furness’s response to the rumours about Hugh Jackman not only revealed the couple's resilience in the face of unfounded gossip but also served as a reminder of the often overlooked human aspect behind celebrity stories. Unfortunately, Furness and Jackman decided to part their lives in September 2023. Yet, the story remains a shining example of enduring love and partnership, undimmed by the baseless rumours that have followed them throughout their journey together.

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