Remember when Tom Cruise lostiIt on set? Reliving the Mission: Impossible drama!

Throwback to December 2020 when Tom Cruise fiercely berated his crew on the set of 'Mission: Impossible 7' over COVID-19 safety protocols.

Tom Cruise (Source: IMDb)

Tom Cruise (Source: IMDb)

In the midst of a tumultuous 2020, with the world wrestling with a pandemic and the film industry being upended, our very own silver screen superstar, Tom Cruise, added a spicy episode to the mix. For those who might’ve forgotten this dramatic turn of events, or for the ones hiding under a rock, here’s a juicy refresher.

Hollywood’s COVID ConfrontationIn December, as reported by The Guardian, an audio recording went viral featuring none other than the Top Gun actor and producer of 'Mission: Impossible 7', Tom Cruise, erupting with fiery frustration at crew members. What ticked him off? A breach of the on-set COVID-19 safety measures. Cruise was heard shouting, “I don’t ever want to see it again, ever! If you don’t do it, you’re fired. It’s not going to put food on their table or pay for their college education.”

Cruise’s passionate outburst, no matter how it sounded, came from a place of sheer desperation. Like all major film projects, 'Mission: Impossible 7' faced numerous disruptions due to the pandemic. But the tension heightened when crew members were caught standing too close by a computer screen at Leavesden studios, UK.

A Pandemic Production PerspectiveAdding to the cocktail of film production challenges, Italy, a crucial filming location, halted shoots in February 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions. But hope was restored in July when the UK greenlit the resumption of the shoot. However, by October, the filming in Italy was, yet again, temporarily shelved owing to a positive COVID case on the set.

Source: TMZ

Underneath Tom Cruise’s eruption was not just an actor's angst, but a producer's pressure to keep Hollywood afloat. He once stated, “Movies are going because of us. If we shut down it’s going to cost people jobs, their home, their family. That’s what’s happening.” It wasn’t just about the mega action flick but the potential model for Hollywood's survival amidst the pandemic.

The incident underlined the magnitude of the pressure the pandemic exerted on Hollywood. While Cruise's approach may not have been everyone's cup of tea, his sentiment echoed the fears and frustrations of an entire industry on the brink.

The film’s production company was approached for comment but didn’t respond by the time of publishing.

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