"The ball remains in Gibson's court": Mel Gibson's Decision Between 'Lethal Weapon 5' and a 'Passion' Sequel!

    Mel Gibson's potential direction of 'Lethal Weapon 5' is cast into doubt as hints emerge about prioritizing a sequel to the blockbuster 'The Passion of the Christ'.

    Mel Gibson (Source: We Got This Covered)

    Mel Gibson (Source: We Got This Covered)

    When CEO David Zaslav was ushered in to helm the newly-minted Warner Bros. Discovery, as reported by We Got This Covered in January 2023, he made his streaming intentions evident. With the direct release of notable movies to HBO Max now being history, all eyes and ears are avidly seeking updates on Lethal Weapon 5. And yet, they've been met with silence.

    Juggling Between Two Blockbusters

    Mel Gibson's name is not just associated with acting brilliance but also with astute direction. The original plan involved the legendary director Richard Donner uniting Mel Gibson with Danny Glover for another Lethal Weapon escapade. However, with Donner's demise, Gibson, the Oscar-winning director, found himself in the driving seat.

    But here's the intriguing twist: an insider scoop from World of Reel implies that Gibson's Lethal Weapon 5 may have to wait. Why? Because the much-awaited sequel to The Passion of the Christ could be rolling its cameras sooner.

    The Legacy of 'The Passion' and 'Lethal Weapon'

    Remember when the audience was taken by storm with 'The Passion of the Christ'? Not everyone was a fan, but numbers don't lie. An astonishing "$612 million at the box office" on a modest $30 million budget marked it as one of the most lucrative R-rated movies in history.

    Fast forward nearly two decades post 'The Passion', and a whopping 25 years since Lethal Weapon 4, the anticipation is palpable. While the scales seem to tilt towards the Lethal Weapon sequel, it's Gibson who holds the dice.

    "It’s been 19 years since the first Passion, and 25 since Lethal Weapon 4, but we know which one the majority would rather see happen," as emphasized by We Got This Covered. But in the end, "the ball likely remains in Gibson’s court" in the showdown of two sequels.

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