"They wanted more": Peter Dinklage on why Game of Thrones couldn't last forever

    Take a trip down memory lane as Peter Dinklage candidly discusses the 'Game of Thrones' finale, fan reactions, and why the show had to end when it did

    <p>Peter Dinklage (Source: Wikipedia)</p>

    Peter Dinklage (Source: Wikipedia)

    It's fascinating how time gives us the liberty to look back and reflect on moments that once shook the ground we walked on. Today, we're diving deep into the archives, revisiting a revealing chat with none other than the 'Game of Thrones' legend, Peter Dinklage.

    Life in the city of dreams

    Back in his early days, Dinklage found solace in the bustling streets of New York City. He aimed to blend in, to lose himself amidst the multitude. But technology, as he noted, brought a strange kind of spotlight. "Camera phones have become like fingers, an extension of themselves," Dinklage pointed out, highlighting the paradox of seeking anonymity in a digital age.

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    The 'Game of Thrones' conundrum

    The fantasy behemoth, 'Game of Thrones,' was not just another show. For many, it was an emotion. When George R.R. Martin hinted at extending the show by two more seasons, it ignited numerous debates. But Dinklage's stand on this was clear: "It was the right time. No less, no more." He believed, rather poignantly, that fans were more upset with the show's departure from their Sunday night routine than the actual ending.

    Peter Dinklage (Source: Outlook)

    But Dinklage also highlighted the show's genius in subverting expectations. He loved how it portrayed the tantalizing taste of power and its corrupting influence. "What happens to your moral compass when you get a taste of power?" he mused. And let's not forget the ever-persistent question, the one about the throne. The actual iron throne, that iconic symbol, which, as Dinklage pointed out humorously, was torched by a dragon, effectively ending that debate.

    The essence of the show

    Yet, beyond thrones, dragons, and power, 'Game of Thrones' was more profound. It touched upon human desires, betrayals, love, and revenge. Dinklage aptly summarized: "They wanted the pretty white people to ride off into the sunset together... but the show really was more than that." It constantly defied expectations, something the viewers learned, episode after episode.

    In retrospect, as the dust settles, one can't help but appreciate the eloquence and insight Dinklage brought into the discussion, a view from the inside, candid and unfiltered.

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