Will Blade make his MCU debut in the upcoming Werewolf by Night ? director Michael Giacchino shares his thoughts

    Michael Giacchino addresses the latest rumors that Mahershala Ali's Blade will have a cameo in the upcoming Halloween special.



    The MCU 's first ever venture into the horror genre Werewolf by Night is set to stream on Dinsey+ next month ahead of its release the special has received positive reactions from critics.

    A recent rumor about the show is that Blade will finally make his MCU debut in the upcoming show with a small cameo.

    According to the people at Weekly Planet podcast, we will get to see Mahershala Ali's Blade make his first appearance not counting the voice-over he did in the post-credit scene of Eternals.

    Director of the special Michael Giacchino was asked about the cameo in a recent interview with BSL

    "You know what, rumours are insanely inaccurate I would say…99.9% of the time the thing about the Marvel Cinematic Universe is everyone thinks that every single thing is going to be connected. Every single thing. And it doesn’t mean that we’re not connected. But, I didn’t feel the need to blatantly say we were."

    He went on to add "You know, every other show has done that and they’ve done it brilliantly and I thought 'you know what?', when I was a kid, I would pull a comic off the shelf and this particular Werewolf By Night issue had nothing to do with anything else in the Marvel Universe. What’s wrong with that? That’s okay! You know, they can all live together but we don’t need to always show them together."

    Well according to the director it seems we will not be seeing Blade in the special, but it should be noted that Giacchino neither confirms nor denies the rumor.

    Either way, we will have to wait till the special comes out to find out if we get to see the Daywalker. meanwhile, Werewolf by Night will the first full-fledged MCU horror outing and the positive reactions online are only adding to the hype.

    Werewolf by Night

    Werewolf by Night will stream on Disney+ on October 7.