Martin Scorsese's bold take in Wolf of Wall Street divided Academy

    Reflecting on 2013: Martin Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street faced a mixed reaction at the Oscars, revealing a divide among Academy members.

    <p>The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) (Source: IMDb)</p>

    The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) (Source: IMDb)

    Looking back to December 2013, the release of Martin Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street created ripples across the film industry, marking it as a major Oscar contender, while simultaneously stirring controversy among the Academy's older, conservative members. At an official Academy screening in the Samuel Goldwyn Theatre, Los Angeles, Scorsese faced direct criticism from attendees. "Shame on you" and "disgusting" were the words hurled at him by an unnamed screenwriter, as reported by actor Hope Holiday on Facebook. 

    This confrontation was not just a mere dispute but a reflection of the deep divide in the film industry's perception of what constitutes art. Holiday's account, "Tonight was torture at the Academy – 'The Wolf Of Wall Street' – three hours of torture – same disgusting crap over and over again," points to the intense reaction the film evoked. While some members applauded, others like Holiday expressed disdain, underscoring the film's polarizing nature.

    The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) (Source: IMDb)

    The struggle for acclaim amidst controversy

    The Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as the infamous financial fraudster Jordan Belfort, was a narrative laden with chaotic sex and drug-fueled parties. Despite its acclaim and being named one of the top 10 films of the year by the American Film Institute, the movie's raw and unapologetic depiction of debauchery was too much for some of the Academy's ageing members. The film's stark contrast between the gilded presentation of Stratton Oakmont and its debaucherous reality, as described by The Guardian, "'Stratton Oakmont is America!' bellows Jordan," was a bold statement on American culture. Scorsese's candid admission, "It's brutal...I don't think it will be to everyone's taste – I don't think it will. It's not made for 14-year-olds," reflected his awareness of the film's divisive nature.

    As we look back, it's evident that The Wolf of Wall Street was more than just a movie; it was a conversation starter, a mirror to society, and a testament to Scorsese's fearless filmmaking. Its journey through the Oscars, marred by controversy, exemplifies the challenges faced by films that dare to push boundaries.

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