Martin Scorsese's bold take: Marvel movies or real cinema?"

    Throwback to 2019: Martin Scorsese compared Marvel films to theme parks, sparking a cinema debate. His stand? Not quite 'cinema' for him!

    <p>Martin Scorsese (Source: Glamour)</p>

    Martin Scorsese (Source: Glamour)

    Ah, the ever-vibrant world of cinema! Remember when, in 2019, the legendary Martin Scorsese stirred the pot with his candid views on Marvel movies? Comparing them to a roller coaster in a theme park, Scorsese confessed to Empire magazine: "I’ve tried to watch a few of them... they seem to me to be closer to theme parks than they are to movies as I’ve known and loved them throughout my life." That's right, folks – for Scorsese, Marvel might've had the thrills, but not the feels of 'real' cinema.

    Not Hate, Just a Cinematic PlateFor those ready to rally with pitchforks, the acclaimed director clarified he wasn't belittling the artistry behind the Marvel universe. He acknowledged the talent, admitting, "Many franchise films are made by people of considerable talent and artistry. You can see it on the screen." Yet, for him, it boiled down to personal taste, musing that maybe if he were of a younger generation, he might've fancied them or even dabbled in creating one.

    Drawing from his own cinematic journey, Scorsese highlighted the essence of movies he cherished, emphasizing, "Cinema was about revelation — aesthetic, emotional and spiritual revelation." It's about the characters, their depths, their conflicts, and their personal confrontations.

    Looking back, it's clear that Scorsese’s commentary wasn't a slam on Marvel but rather a reflection on how cinema has evolved over the decades. The entire episode served as a reminder of how subjective and diverse our interpretations of art can be.

    Martin Scorsese (Source: Glamour)

    Today, as we cherish both Scorsese’s deep-rooted cinematic tales and Marvel's exhilarating superhero adventures, we're reminded of the vast universe of storytelling, waiting to be explored, debated, and loved.

    (Several parts of the text in this article, including the title, were generated with the help of an AI tool.)

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