Writers Guild Of America strike to end? Producers and writers near an agreement for the same

    The Writer's Guild Of America strike might come to an end soon since an agreement between the producers and the writers took place. 

    Writers Guild Of America strike

    Writers Guild Of America strike

    The prolonged Writers Guild Of America strike might come to an end after the producers and writers near an agreement in a face-to-face meeting on Wednesday (September 20). A source close to the development revealed to CNBC’s David Faber that the two parties met and hoped to finalize a deal on Thursday (September 21). However, if the deal does not come to fruition then the strike can go till even the end of this year.

    Writers and producers hope to finalize a deal

    Writers Guild Of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers released a joint statement that the two groups have met for bargaining and will even meet again today. David Faber’s tweet read, “After face-to-face meeting today, writers and producers near agreement to end WGA strike. Met today and hope to finalize deal tomorrow, according to people close to the negotiations, who, while optimistic, warn that without deal tomorrow strike likely continues through year-end.” Take a look at the same.

    Productions of TV shows and movies on a halt

    Some actors from the Hollywood fraternity also showcased their solidarity with the strike in July this year which has been going on for more than 100 days now. Many productions of TV shows and movies have come to a standstill due to the same. Some of the projects that have been affected due to the same include Stranger Things, Blade and Evil. The writer’s union had revealed earlier this week that it would resume negotiations with the studios.

    This has been the nearest attempt at a resolution from both sides ever since more than 11,000 writers of films and TV shows embarked on the strike on May 2, 2023. The main complaint of the writers was that their remuneration or compensation did not match the revenue that was being generated through the streaming of the content. Through the strike, the writers have also been seeking compensation through the production, pre-production, and post-production processes.