"I’m really looking forward to giving birth," Vanessa Kirby reveals despite intense role in 'Pieces of a Woman'

    Vanessa Kirby shares her anticipation towards experiencing childbirth in real life, despite her intense portrayal of the event in 'Pieces of a Woman.'

    "I’m really looking forward to giving birth," Vanessa Kirby reveals despite intense role in 'Pieces of a Woman'

    Award-winning British actress Vanessa Kirby made waves in the film industry with her intense performance in Netflix's 'Pieces of a Woman.' Despite the harrowing on-screen experience, the star reveals she's excited about the prospect of motherhood in real life.

    "I’m really looking forward to giving birth," shared Kirby, with an unexpected sense of anticipation that belies the devastating narrative she so skillfully portrayed.

    'Pieces of a Woman' - A Struggle Beyond the Screen

    The film depicts Kirby as a woman eager to become a mother, but whose life is tragically overturned by loss and grief. The film’s opening sequence, a gripping 24-minute unbroken take of a home birth ending in disaster, solidified the actress's prowess in her craft.

    Preparing for the role, the actress spent time with pregnant women and those who had endured the heartbreak of miscarriages and stillbirths. The commitment to authenticity reached a point where a woman allowed Kirby to be present at the birth of her child.

    "I didn’t know anything about labor," Kirby confessed, highlighting the responsibility she felt towards authentically representing women’s birthing experiences on screen. "If I get this wrong, I’m letting down every woman who’s ever given birth."

    A New Perspective on Childbirth

    Despite the daunting portrayal of childbirth in 'Pieces of a Woman,' Kirby affirms that her experience in the film has only increased her eagerness to embrace motherhood. The actress, also known for her role as the young Princess Margaret in 'The Crown,' emphasized her awe of childbirth as an "incredible thing, this like primal, animal, act of creation. It’s miraculous."

    The film, co-starring Ellen Burstyn and Shia LaBeouf, takes inspiration from the personal experiences of its Hungarian director, Kornel Mundruczo, and his screenwriter wife, Kata Weber. It served as a therapeutic endeavor for the couple, hoping that their work could break the silence surrounding the experience of loss.

    Through the raw emotional landscape of 'Pieces of a Woman,' Vanessa Kirby delivers a performance of a lifetime, offering a harrowing yet profound insight into the realities of childbirth and loss.

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